Tintin – Le Temple du Soleil – Le Spectacle Musical

Tintin – Le Temple du Soleil
Le Spectacle Musical

Original Recording
Music Dirk Brossé
Lyrics Seth Gaaikema
Frank van Laecke
Book Seth Gaaikema
Frank van Laecke
Didier van Cauwelaert
Basis The Adventures of Tintin The Seven Crystal Balls and Prisoners of the Sun by Hergé
Productions 2002 Charleroi

Tintin – Le Temple du Soleil, subtitled Le Spectacle Musical, is a Belgian musical in 2 acts with music by Dirk Brossé, lyrics and scenario by Seth Gaaikema and Frank van Laecke and adapted to French by Didier Van Cauwelaert, based on the Tintin adventures The Seven Crystal Balls (1948) and Prisoners of the Sun (1949) by Hergé. It is the French-language version of the show Kuifje – De Zonnetempel (De Musical). It premièred at Charleroi in 2002, and was scheduled for Paris in 2003 but was cancelled.



NOTE: This refers to the musical itself, not the books, and therefore uses the French names – English equivalents are given.

Act 1

An expedition of seven scientists discovers the tomb of the Inca mummy Rascar Capac, and provokes the anger of the Sun God. A curse descends upon them. Meanwhile, Tintin and Milou (Snowy) arrive on the train at Moulinsart (Marlinspike), and Tintin talks to another traveller about the recent return of the Sanders-Hardmuth (Sanders-Hardiman) expedition from Peru. He says that it will all end badly, desecrating the burial chambers of the Incas like Tutankhamen's – five members of the expedition have already been mysteriously struck down.

Tintin and Milou go to le château de Moulinsart (Marlinspike Hall) where le Capitaine Haddock (Captain Haddock) lives, and they meet Nestor the butler. He says that Haddock is currently horse-riding, but he shortly returns minus the horse. Haddock introduces their old friend Tryphon Tournesol (Professor Calculus), and then tries to show Tintin a magic trick to turn water into whisky, which fails. Angry at not being able to do it, he takes Tintin to the music hall to see Bruno the magician perform the trick.

That evening at the music hall, Tintin and Haddock watch a performance by the opera singer Bianca Castafiore, which Milou turns into an impromptu duet. Haddock storms out from the show because of Castafiore's singing. Ragdalam the fakir and Yamilah the clairvoyant perform after Castafiore ; after a few novelty predictions, Ragdalam asks Yamilah to tell him about a woman in the audience, Mme Clairmont (Mrs Clarkson). She says that her husband is a photographer, and that he has been struck down by the curse of Rascar Capac. Mme Clairmont leaves the show with her daughter, Fleur, when she receives a message that her husband is indeed ill. The magician's act is on, and Haddock stumbles onto the stage with a stage prop of a cow's head on his, after having got lost backstage trying to find his way out.

Tintin, Haddock and Tournesol go to the home of Professor Hippolyte Bergamotte (Professor Hercules Tarragon) to protect him, as he and Tournesol were students together. The detectives Dupont & Dupond (Thomson and Thompson) have also been sent to protect Bergamotte. Bergamotte reveals the mummy of Rascar Capac, and Tintin reads the prophecy that the expedition found in his tomb. A storm comes, a ball of lightning comes down the chimney, destroys the mummy and Bergamotte realises that the prophecy is true. He is struck down by the curse.

At the hospital, Fleur and her mother sit by the bed of Clairmont. Tintin arrives following Bergamotte's attack, and Fleur asks him to help her 'papa'. Tintin says he will, and leaves the hospital, whilst Fleur reassures her mother that everything will be alright because Tintin will help them. In the garden, Tournesol mysteriously disappears following his donning the bracelet.

Later at Moulinsart, Haddock is depressed because of Tournesol's disappearance. Castafiore, her accompanist Igor Wagner and her maid Irma, arrive and announces she will be staying there for a period. Haddock and Tintin manage to escape and head to the docks, where they discover that Tournesol has been spotted on the ship Pachacamac and is going to Peru. They catch a flying boat to Peru, and as it flies into the distance, the curtain closes on Act One.

Act 2

In Peru, Tintin and Haddock ask whether anyone has seen Tournesol, but are met with "No sé" ("I don't know") from everyone. Tintin and Milou intervene to stop two men bullying a child. The child, Zorrino, reveals that he is an orphan living on the streets. Tintin cheers him up by making him a little boat out of newspaper. Zorrino reveals that he knows where Tournesol is – he has been taken to the Temple du Soleil (the Temple of the Sun). Zorrino leads them on a trek to the temple, with many perils against them. Milou is taken by a condor, and Tintin climbs to the top of a cliff to look for him. He is attacked by the condor and, hanging onto its legs, is carried to the ground where he discovers Milou.

Meanwhile, the Dupondts have found Tournesol's pendulum and attempt to use it to locate him. They mistake the indications given by the pendulum, and travel to the North Pole and meet an eskimo, the Far East and Scotland. Eventually they realise that the pendulum is pointing to Peru, where Tintin and Haddock are, and head off in pursuit.

Tintin, Haddock and Zorrino reach a waterfall. Zorrino and Haddock cross without incident, but as Tintin crosses, with Milou in his rucksack, the rope snaps and they fall through the waterfall. He survives the fall and Haddock and Zorrino join him on the other side of the waterfall, in a subterranean cavern. At the same time, an Incan ceremony is taking place. Suddenly, Tintin, Milou, Haddock and Zorrino crash through a hidden door in the wall.

They are blindfolded, and the Grand Inca (the Great Inca) declares that their punishment for profaning the temple is to die at the stake, but grants them one last wish : they are allowed to choose the day and hour of their deaths. Zorrino is separated from the others, visits them in their cell, and unfolds the little boat that Tintin had made him. He reads the newspaper and finds their salvation. Tintin tells the Incan guard that they wish to die in eighteen days' time. When the day comes, they are bound to the stake on the funeral pyre whilst a ceremony takes place. The Dupondts arrive, having finally found Tournesol ; they are also tied up. As they are about to be burnt, Tintin 'commands' the Sun ; everything goes dark as the Moon moves in front of the Sun's face. Tintin reveals to a startled Haddock that he read about the solar eclipse in the newspaper !

The Grand Inca begs Tintin to make the Sun show its light again, and he does so. The Inca sets them free, as they have the favour of the Sun. Tintin asks for the curse of Rascar Capac to be lifted, and in Europe the explorers wake up, to the delight of Mme Clairmont and Fleur, who thanks Tintin. Back in Peru, the Grand Inca adopts Zorrino, and as everyone comes together, the cast takes their bows. The curtain falls.

Scenes and songs

Act 1
  • La grotte de l'Inca, Pérou – Rascar Capac
  • La gare – Tintin et Milou
  • Le château de Moulinsart – Rien dans les manches
  • Théâtre du variété palace – Ah, je ris (duo pour diva et chien) ; L'hypnose ; Rien dans les manches (reprise) ; Les 7 boules de cristal
  • La bibliothèque du professeur Bergamotte – La valse des professeurs ; Contrôle total
  • La clinique – Contaminées ; Tintin, aide nous
  • Le jardin du professeur Bergamotte – Soleil ; Promenade avec Tournesol
  • Le château de Moulinsart – Le rossignol milanais ; Tonnerre de Brest
  • Le port – Tonnerre de Brest (reprise)
Act 2
  • Le marché de Callao, Pérou – No sé ; Contrôle total (reprise) ; L'empire des riches
  • La loge d'opéra de Bianca / Le voyage – La vie est un opéra ; Milou et moi
  • La cabine téléphonique – Le pendule
  • La loge d'opéra de Bianca / La jungle – Feu de joie
  • La chute d'eau
  • Le Temple du Soleil – Rascar Capac (reprise) ; Le Temple du Soleil ; Prière de Zorrino
  • La prison – Adieu au whisky ; Le bateau-journal
  • Le bûcher – Le bûcher ; Soleil (Finale)


The show boasts an orchestral score composed by Dirk Brossé with lyrics by Seth Gaaikema (adapted to French by Didier Van Cauwelaert and performed by l'Orchestre National de Belgique (the Belgian National Orchestra). There are around twenty different songs in the show, and a few reprises. The two main themes that run throughout the show are Haddock's (first heard when he performs the trick with the whisky, later heard in full at Moulinsart and the port) and Soleil, or Tintin's theme, sung first after his leaving the hospital and as a finale.

A CD release, containing 18 studio-recorded songs sung by the original cast, appeared in 2002. Most songs were present in their full versions as heard in the show. Some songs were not featured, partly because they were variations on others already present (for example, Rien dans les manches being a pared-down version of Mille millions de mille sabords). A notable omission was Promenade avec Tournesol, a cheerful tune that would have appeared between tracks 9 and 10 on the CD.

Staging & Effects

The show features an incredible array of special effects and imaginative staging, including :

The Paris affair

After the resounding success of the show in Belgium, the show was scheduled to be performed in Paris at the Hippodrome d'Auteil in 2003 as the highlight of the Christmas playbill. The cast was to remain the same as for Charleroi, with the exception of Frayne McCarthy (Haddock) being replaced by Patrick Rocca. It was a hotly anticipated performance, with a theatre being renovated to house the ambitious special effects. Tickets were sold in advance and a CD was produced (featuring the Belgian cast), a stripped-down version of the Charleroi release. A DVD was scheduled for release in January 2004.

Divisions began to appear between the investors and the producers. Although it was not clear who was to blame – a main investor was rumoured to have pulled out, or hadn't the proposed capital – events came to a head in October 2003 and a press release issued on the 20th of October declared that the show was cancelled. It was a major blow to everyone involved : thousands of ticket-buyers had to be refunded, the CD had already been launched and a huge media campaign had to be cancelled (which would have incorporated amongst others France 2, RTL and Télérama). Owing to the risk taken – and arguably demonstrating foresight on behalf of the management – the actors' contracts stipulated they would not be paid until the show had been performed.

The future

Tabas&Co and Moulinsart had chosen the wrong business partners, yet the Paris affair did not spell the permanent end of the show. Moulinsart is reportedly examining the feasibility of launching the show in other countries, with the Dutch city of Rotterdam apparently being considered.


Tabas & Co. has released a recording.

External links